Performance Fees
Our performance fees are a reflection of our commitment to making dance accessible to all. Fees pay our Company Directors to organize and lead each performance. They also pay for support staff to accompany us on tour, gas for transportation, and emergency supplies that we bring with us. The rest of the fee goes directly to the Company to help fun their bi-annual New York City trip. If you are able to choose the Benefactor Cost, the additional money offsets the annual costume/performance fee each Company member is personally responsible for.
Teen Jazz Directors reserve the right to determine which Company - Teen Jazz or Junior Company - is the best fit for your performance. Both companies work at a professional level of conduct and provide equally valuable performance experiences. Fees listed below are per school.
Teen Jazz Directors reserve the right to determine which Company - Teen Jazz or Junior Company - is the best fit for your performance. Both companies work at a professional level of conduct and provide equally valuable performance experiences. Fees listed below are per school.
Benefactor Cost
This fee represents the true cost of putting on our performance AND
allows us to offset the performance fee each dancer is individually responsible for.
True Cost
This fee represents the true cost of putting on our performance.
Values Cost
We value making our art accessible. Choose this performance fee if it works best for your budget.
If you are interested in having the Company come to your school,
but are unable to pay one of the fees above, please contact us.